Matthew Gentzkow

Matthew Gentzkow: Social Media and Social Good

Matthew Gentzkow John von Neumann Award Ceremony and Lecture

Matthew Gentzkow, IV Calvó-Armengol International Prize in Economics

Measuring Polarization in High-Dimensional Data: Method and Application to Congressional Speech

Matthew Gentzkow: Political Polarization and the Media

The Welfare Effects of Social Media

RES 2021 Annual Conference: Economic Journal Lecture - Matthew Gentzkow

RES 2021: Economic Journal Lecture - Matthew Gentzkow

Digital Addiction

RES 2021 Video Shorts: Economic Journal Lecture - Matthew Gentzkow

Professor Matthew Gentzkow | Media industry, modern media and digital addiction

Matthew Gentzkow - Ideological Bias and Trust in Information Sources

MLESI21 Matthew Gentzkow

Matthew Gentzkow - Polarization and Public Health: Partisan Differences in Social Distancing

Matthew Gentzkow 'AI, Media, and Fake News' (Disc: Manuel Trajtenberg)

'Media, Polarization, and the 2016 Elections' - Matthew Gentzkow

Dr Matthew Gentzkow on people's social media habits and addiction. #economics #podcast #podcast #lse

Morishima Lecture 2024: Social Media and Social Good, by Matthew Gentzkow

Clark Medalist: Internet doesn't cause ideological extremism

BCCP Conference 2019: Panel 2 'Political Consequences of Corporate Power in Digital Markets'

EC'22: Digital Addiction

Fake News nas Eleições de 2016: Impacto e Desafios (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017)

Polarization, Fake News, and the 2016 Election

Stanford Seminar: Method and Application to Congressional Speech - The Best Documentary Ever